"We the undersigned, agree
to organize an independent military company, and to hold ourselves
in readiness to respond to any call to defend our country and
sustain our government."
Rufus Dawes, April 25th, 1861
With these words in mind, we agree to organize an independent,
historically-accurate, memorial military company for the purpose
of preserving, through authentic impression, the glorious record
of deeds of the Sixth Regiment, Wisconsin Veteran Volunteer Infantry
from 1861 to 1865. By concentrating on Safety, Fun and Authenticity,
we hope to Keep History Alive Through Reenacting.
to Top
The style of the company shall be Company K, Sixth Regiment,
Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry.
Sec. 1. The commissioned officers shall be such as
are prescribed by period laws of the state and elected in conformity
Sec. 2. The Commandant shall preside at all meetings of
the company, have charge of the roll and furnish each non-commissioned
officer and the Secretary with a copy of the same.
Sec. 3. The non-commissioned officers shall be elected
by the company, upon recommendation of the Commandant.
Sec. 4. It shall be the duty of the First Sergeant to
issue, by order of the Commandant, all orders for events, meetings
and drills. He shall furnish each non-commissioned officer with
a squad list, containing the name and residence of each member
of his squad, with such alterations as may from time to time
occur, under penalty of 25 cents for every neglect.
Sec. 5. The senior non-commissioned officer present at
any drill or event shall call the roll fifteen minutes after
the hour named in the order for that drill or event, and note
all absentees. In the absence of the First Sergeant, a return
of the above shall be made to him at the next meeting, drill
or event, under penalty of 25 cents for any neglect.
Sec. 6. When a non-commissioned officer is prevented by
sickness or absence from serving with his squad, he shall give
notice to the First Sergeant, and report himself immediately
upon his return to duty.
Sec. 7. Any non-commissioned officer who shall neglect
or refuse to serve any notice or notices for any meeting, drill
or event ordered by the Commander shall be fined 25 cents for
each and every neglect.
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It shall be the duty of the Secretary to keep a record of
the Company's proceedings and enter the same in a book to be
kept for that purpose. He shall read the same to the Company
for their approval or disapproval at the next monthly meeting.
He shall collect all dues and fines and keep an account thereof,
and pay the same to the Treasurer, whose receipt he shall take
for the money so paid over. He shall call at each meeting the
names of those who are in arrears. He shall supply every new
member with a copy of the Handbook and Manual of Instructions
immediately after being informed of his election into the Company.
He shall bring his books to every Company meeting; in case of
sickness or unavoidable absence he shall send the same, under
penalty of 25 cents for every neglect. He shall, at all Company
meetings, call the roll fifteen minutes after the hour specified
in the notice. He shall note all absentees and make returns thereof
to the First Sergeant at the next meeting , drill or event, under
penalty of 25 cents for every neglect. He shall be responsible
for maintaining Company records and sending correspondence as
determined by the Commandant.
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It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to receive all moneys
of the Company from the Secretary, and give his receipt for the
same. He shall keep a correct account of all money received and
expended, shall pay no money without the order of the Commandant.
He shall make detailed reports at all regular meetings of all
money received and expended, together with a general exposition
of the financial affairs of the Company, under penalty of 50
cents for every neglect.
to Top
Sec. 1. Any person purposing to join the Company shall
make application through one of the members, which shall be read
by the Secretary at any meeting of the Company, and he shall
be enrolled as a probationary member of the Company upon receipt
of a majority vote.
Sec. 2. Any person elected shall be expected to uniform
himself to the adopted dress of the Company.
Sec. 3. Any intended absences from meetings, drills or
events shall be reported to a non-commissioned officer. Any member
failing to notify a non-commissioned officer of an intended absence
for three consecutive months shall be reported on the Sick List.
Any member reported on the Sick List for three consecutive months
shall be placed on Furlough. Any member on Furlough for three
consecutive months will be reported as Absent Without Leave.
Any member Absent Without Leave for three consecutive months
will be reported by the First Sergeant to the Company, and his
name dropped from the roll.
Sec. 4. Upon failure or refusal of any member to pay any
dues or fines accruing under these By-Laws within sixty days,
he shall be reported to the Company by the Secretary, and if
the demand be not then complied with, he shall no longer be considered
a member and the Commandant shall cause his name to be dropped
from the roll.
Sec. 5. In accordance with Reenactor's Liaison Committee
standards, only those members sixteen years of age or older shall
be permitted to utilize firearms in camp or in the field.
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Any member wishing to resign shall return all Company property
in good order to the First Sergeant, who shall give him a receipt
for the same. This receipt, together with all dues from him to
the company, must be deposited with the Secretary, who will thereupon
direct the First Sergeant to drop his name from the roll and
report that fact to the Company.
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Sec. 1. For defraying the expense of the company newsletter,
every member shall be taxed $10.00 dollars per annum, payment
due in January.
Sec. 2. In the event of the Company being called upon
to entertain a visiting Company, every member shall pay his proportion
of the expenses, whether he may be present or not.
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Sec. 1. Stated meetings of the Company shall be held
on the third Monday of every month, or as close to that day as
public meeting space is available, and to begin at 7 o'clock
in the evening. The Commandant may call special meetings whenever
he may deem it necessary.
Sec. 2. One-third of the voting Company shall constitute
a quorum for the transaction of business.
Sec. 3. In all meetings, the business shall be transacted
in the following order: Roll Call, Minutes of the Last Preceding
Meeting, Election of New Members, Unfinished Business from Previous
Meetings, Reports of Committees in order of appointment, New
Sec. 4. No resolution shall be offered any meeting unless
submitted in writing.
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The Company shall drill on the day prescribed by the Commandant
upon approval by the Company.
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Sec. 1. Members shall, whilst in uniform, conduct themselves
in accordance with period etiquette and deportment.
Sec. 2. Members families shall, whilst staying in camp,
conduct themselves in accordance with period etiquette, deportment
and dress.
Sec. 3. Any member seen intoxicated while under arms will
be reported by the First Sergeant to the Company at the next
meeting, and be subject to review by a Court of Inquiry.
Sec. 4. Any member under the legal age for the consumption
of alcoholic beverages found in possession of or under the influence
of alcoholic beverages at any time shall be immediately expelled
from the company upon review by a Court of Inquiry without the
requirement of a vote by the membership.
Sec. 5. Any member found to be providing alcoholic beverages
to any member under the legal drinking age shall be immediately
expelled from the company upon review by a Court of Inquiry without
the requirement of a vote by the membership.
Sec. 6. Members shall observe all safety guidelines, especially
while handling firearms in the field or in camp. All safety violations
shall be subject to review by a Court of Inquiry.
Sec. 7. Any member failing to comply with these By-Laws
shall be subject to review by a Court of Inquiry.
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The Commandant of the Company shall have the power to enlist
at least one drummer, and procure for the Company a drum.
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The uniform shall be such as may from time to time be prescribed
by the Company.
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There shall be a Court of Inquiry consisting of not more than
five members, to be appointed annually by the Commandant upon
approval of the Company. It shall be composed of one commissioned
officer, one sergeant, one corporal and two privates. The Court's
duty and power shall be to hear all excuses by delinquents, and
to impose or mitigate any fines incurred by a breach of these
By-Laws. The Court shall also recommend to the Company censure,
suspension or expulsion for any serious violation.
to Top
By-Laws not inconsistent with this Constitution may be passed
by a vote of three-fourths of any meeting of the company.
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Alterations and amendments may be made to this Constitution
by submitting such alteration or amendment in writing to any
meeting of the Company, to be referred by them to a committee,
who shall report on the same at the next meeting of the Company.
No alteration or amendment shall be adopted except by a vote
of three-fourths of such meeting where quorum is present.